
Making the first schematic

A project log for Flexible wearable power harvester

A miniature power harvester solar-based for wearables, IoT and my smart ring series

enriqueEnrique 07/10/2018 at 20:500 Comments

I have sketched a quick schematic about the general idea, but needs be polished and tested so shouldn't be taken as the final one.

There are some details:

-The CBYP should be a low leakage

-The CBYP should be placed close to VSTOR and GND

-The CSTOR should have a low ESR, and it's value is related to the cold start efficiency and time

-Is possible to add more solar cells on parallel or in series, but I prefer on parallel for not exceed the max input voltage.

-The inductor should have similar specs to one of the given in the datasheet


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