07/02/2014 at 03:41 • 0 commentsHaving decided that the direct-connected mega2560 will be too slow, I will change tack and utilise the above dual-port SRAM module. The Arduino Mega2560 will contain the .hex file within it's flash memory and at power-on will transfer this to the DP SRAM. There will be a flatribbon cable+dip28 socket to connect to the 80C552 board - or any similar embedded cpu that uses this is similar eeprom.
The SRAM will be treated as ROM by the device being 'revived' - with some creative coding it could be possible to modify code on-the-fly via a serial console back into the Arduino Mega2560.
Initial Concept
07/02/2014 at 02:51 • 0 commentsMy first thought was to have the Mega directly connected to the eeprom address/data/control lines. When it received an address it would then lookup the corresponding data byte in it's own flash memory and put it on the data bus.
A closer look at the timing charts for both chips shows that this approach will be too slow even with highly optimised AVR assembly language routines - which I wasn't going to attempt I had hope to do everything from within the Arduino IDE!