

A project log for Flexible PCB Actuator

The thinnest Magnetic Actuator!

carl-bugejaCarl Bugeja 08/09/2018 at 21:191 Comment

Before I can start building robots with this thing, I need to measure its characteristics and test its limitations.

In this video, I have tested my Flexible PCB actuator and also compared it to my Linear PCB Motor which has the same dimensions but different layer count. The measured data is shown bellow:

  4-Layer Linear PCB Motor 2-Layer Flex PCB Actuator
Resistance 32Ω 23Ω
Maximum Temperature @ 5V 51°C 76°C
Power 0.75W 0.9W

The flex PCB has half the turns, so its resistance is lower. This means that more current can pass through it, so obviously it gets a little hotter. This means that this flexible pcb actuator can be used with lower voltages. The thin dielectric of this pcb also improves the coupling of the magnetic field.

I was also able to reach a maximum operating frequency of 65Hz.


Richard Hogben wrote 08/09/2018 at 22:32 point

Nice video

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