
Looks Like HTML's Back on the Menu

A project log for VoiceBox

Adding a Flask web interface (and other stuff) to the Google AIY Voice Kit.

tmTM 08/10/2018 at 23:213 Comments

I've been experimenting with ways to cross-link menus between flask applications running on different ports on the same server. None of the obvious ways to link to, say, the piHole menu on port :9012 from the Blinkter root page on port :9013 work. The best solution I could find via Google was a suggestion by Craig McQueen on StackExchange. When the link is clicked (onclick), a little embedded javascript is run to add the port number to the link. I've modified Craig's approach slightly to run the same script on right-click (oncontextmenu). This is to allow <right-click>, <open in new tab>, or <copy link location>.

<a href="/" onclick="" oncontextmenu="">SysInfo</a>
<a href="/" onclick="" oncontextmenu="">VoiceBox</a>
<a href="/" onclick="" oncontextmenu="">piHole</a>
<a href="/" onclick="" oncontextmenu="">Blinkter</a>

And the end result looks like this:

I'm going to add this menu bar to the bottom of the root pages of each of the server programs. Hacky, but good enough for my needs.


TM wrote 08/13/2018 at 00:22 point

Stuart, thank you, that looks really clean. Maybe nginx will be "the one". I've never felt remotely in control with Apache or httpd.

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TM wrote 08/11/2018 at 13:48 point

Stuart, the nginx solution at StackExchange looks very simple (src="http://$http_host:9012/"), but I don't want to open a whole can of worms for one environment variable. Maybe if I run the Pi full time I'll migrate stuff I currently have running under httpd on a separate server.

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Morning.Star wrote 08/11/2018 at 11:44 point

Great, great GIF XD

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