
Research at Blind School in Mumbai

A project log for Braille Hop

An Interactive Learning Aid for Visually Challenged Children

rohit-guptaRohit Gupta 08/16/2018 at 07:283 Comments

Today we were at Kamla Nehru Blind School, Dadar, Mumbai to explore the current ecosystem available to blind kids to learn Braille. We interacted with the teachers to get an understanding of ways they use to teach Braille, various activities kids do at school, their schedule and course content.


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Sarah Jardine wrote 03/23/2020 at 05:44 point

Good to know that they are working and researching the braille system to assist and facilitate the blind people in this world and country. It is our moral duty to help impaired people so that they can also enjoy a glimpse of life. Here you must check the true reviews about writing services I appreciate this research that they are doing for the needy people.

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Isabella Butts wrote 11/23/2019 at 15:09 point

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