
TableTennis Drone

Play Table Tennis using a drone.

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Learning becomes easier when we add a little bit of fun to it. Here using the idea of obstacle detection, rather than just implementing simple obstacle avoidance in the drones path, I thought of playing a game with it.

To understand basic ideas of IR sensors and detection, I  thought of building a game based on this using a drone. In this game  of table tennis we can replace the ball with a drone.There will be 2 IR sensors on either sides which will detect a TT racket in its range and will move in the opposite direction thus 2 players can easily play this game.

For this we require the RC roll to  be OFF and for it to roll in the opposite direction by itself as given in the code. I have used PlutoX controller which has its own open source Cygnus IDE on which i implemented my code.

To open drone experimentation to the world, Drona Aviation are crowdfunding for PlutoX on Indiegogo. Support us and help us bring it to life:

  • 1 × PlutoX
  • 1 × PLutoX breakout board
  • 1 × VL53LOX
  • 1 × Pluto App
  • 1 × Cygnus IDE

  • 1
    • PlutoX
    • PrimusX board
    • 2 IR sensors(V53LOX)
    • Breakout board
    • 600 mAh batteries
  • 2
    • The IR sensor that i have integrated consists of 5 connections namely VCC,GND,RESET,I2C pins SCL,SDA
    • Vcc is connected to BAT pin
    • The breakout board provides I2c connections
    • Pin 6 to SDA
    • Pin 7 to SCL
    • Pins 13 & 15 are the default pins for getting range from IR sensors using Xshield API which is connected to pin X on sensor module.
  • 3
    • Breakout board gives the range from IR sensors
    • If an obstacles is encountered within 150mm, the drone moves in the opposite direction
    • Using IR sensors on both sides a drone can be used to play Table tennis
    • Github link

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MargaretArevalo wrote 04/14/2021 at 07:00 point

No doubt learning becomes so much easier and an entertaining activity when we start doing some fun during study. Doing fun while learning anything can be very effective because we can store a lot of knowledge in mind very enjoyably. I have also made the perfect crypto portfolio by reading article because the information is accurate to make huge profit from it.

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