Hello everybody! We are still alive!
It is a while since we published our last update. We are extremely grateful for everybody who follow this project and is interested in our progress. Thank you all for your patience.
We are finally ready to resume our work. At the right time.
Arduino is shipping brand new Arduino Nano 33 BLE since this month. It is extremely interesting development board that exactly fits our needs. It has powerful ARM processor, Bluetooth 5.0 module and IMU (containing gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer). A god send.
This board allow us to make our headband extremely small because every part is already included on board. All while keeping the price still the same, maybe even lower. The new Nano costs only 20 USD.
It is so good we have bought a several of them!

We are researching new routing services. Google Maps SDK will not allow our use case because of their usage terms. Also, their pricing has recently steeply increased so it is not really suitable for small open-source projects.
We have found Graphhopper, which is a open-source routing service. Their terms and conditions are way better. We are currently using their free tier, but it is possible to host your own server. Almost perfect for projects like our. They use OpenStreetMaps, so we can build on nice open-source stack.
Thanks for your support!
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