
memory buffer for 64x64 mode has shrunk from 2560 to 132 bytes.

A project log for spi write up to 64 colors at a time on Arduino!

amg8833 equivilent sensor thermal cam is a perfect example of how to write faster with spi lcd displays. 128x128 sample fast on Arduino.

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 09/07/2018 at 23:590 Comments

updated 64x64 sub sample to require less memory. shrinking code today, it is just a little to big for the Arduino with 64x64, it is an easy fix as it samples faster than original code. memory usage total is about 1k or less for sketch but it is about 4k over size for arduino flash. still also working on color filtering. think it is not as good as it can be, it improved with enhancement enabled, but goal is to eliminate blockiness entirely. think i have an error in the nearest neighbor pixel in 64 sub sampling, i currently don't compare to sub sampled pixels, i process part of pixel that would average in sub sample.

to reduce mem i will place progmem color data in a loop (slows down a little, but saves about 2k), then 

formulate directional changes, rather than have raw code unrolled, saves another 2-3k.

will upload changes in a within a day or so. 

so primarily i will focus on fitting in Arduino as long as performance tweaks are minimally changed

secondary after code space shrink, further reduce so at least 4k spare

thirdly (is that a word?) will work on improving color filtering, however it seems ok with enhancement mode, but this could be from increased noise, although it is suppressed from averaging.
