A slayer exciter circuit based around the IRF530 and TIP41, like most of the DIY kits on the likes of ebay and aliexpress. The PCB's for such kits are unnecessarily larger, so I figured it would be fun to squeeze it down to a square inch ;)
A total rip off of the filthy cheap "tesla coil" kits on ebay/aliexpress, rejangled onto a square inch PCB for the contest.
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A slayer exciter circuit based around the IRF530 and TIP41, like most of the DIY kits on the likes of ebay and aliexpress. The PCB's for such kits are unnecessarily larger, so I figured it would be fun to squeeze it down to a square inch ;)
1 inch tesla.schEAGLE sch filesch - 896.04 kB - 09/16/2018 at 19:42 |
1 inch tesla.brdEAGLE brd filebrd - 62.41 kB - 09/16/2018 at 19:42 |
I received the PCBs a couple of days before leaving for EMFcamp, so decided to take the bits along and build it there.
Anyone who has been to a hacker camp before should know that this was a mistake. You never up doing the things you plan, or at least how you planned them!
I decided that the best time to fire up EAGLE and build the PCB was after a few too many drinks, and unsurprisingly it didn't work!
After returning home I gave it another look, and found that I had actually assembled it correctly. So the problem must have been a design flaw. After inspecting some other circuit diagrams, I found that one of the LED's was actually supposed to be used to bias the base of the BJT. A couple of quick mods to the circuit had it working! the V3 circuit should now be correct out of the box.
Mini tesla coil kit received ✅
Circuit checked ✅
PCB's ordered ✅
Mini tesla coil kit ordered ✅
Circuit ripped off of mini tesla coil kit ✅
PCB designed without checking any of the components ✅
Except transistors and coils
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