I like having 3d models for PCB parts so that my 3d board renders will be accurate. I found a lovely switch on AliExpress (which I still haven't even placed the order for) and decided that I needed a model. But the internet didn't cough one up, so I wasted a whole evening and got it done.

This was made possible by the fact that they did include a very nice drawing of the part and some decent pictures.

I could have made a simpler model.
I could have done without.
But I had to do it.
And I had to do it right.
I don't know what that says about me.
The component is here on AliExpress. It is listed as "YT2024Y MSS22D18 MINI Miniature SMD Slide Switch 2P2T 6Pin ".
I made the 3d model available on Pinshape here, but Pinshape seems to be focused on 3d printer stuff, so they won't take STEP files, which makes it kinda useless for KiCAD. So I put it in the GitHub for the project here.
FURTHER EDIT:This switch is crappier than I thought and kinda fell apart on me.
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what went wrong with the switch, I was thinking of making something with it, did you find a good alternative to the switch if it was that bad?
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When I do stuff like this, I like to also write out the full product description so it gets search indexed, and people can find your work and be better off for it :P
YT2024Y MSS22D18 MINI Miniature SMD Slide Switch 2P2T 6Pin
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it seemed to me that MSS22D18 gave the most results
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I'll open source it later. When I finished it was 8am and the sun was up and I still hadn't slept.
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I edited the text above with the switch model number (which is as you posted) and the link to the part on AliExpress. I uploaded the model to Pinshape, but they don't take STEP files, so that is kinda useless...
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Heh :-)
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nice render, doesn't look like a waste to me ;) you also made me buy some :D
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Honestly, I should teach a class to Chinese companies on how to properly advertise and support their products to sell to us. I mean, I'd like to support local companies, but at 10-100x price difference, I can't afford it.
Or maybe I should just open my own online store...
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