While perusing the other Hackaday Prize entries for this year, I noticed that there is an open source version of the blue-pill board that I'm using for this project! The "green pill" is by open-plc.com.
I followed the links over to GitHub, where I discovered that, while they published PDFs and Gerbers, the original board and schematic files from design software were not in it. So I can't make a nice 3d render of the board, or add modifications, or incorporate it into my own designs or anything.
So "open", but no usable "source". C'est la vie.
I sent a message asking for the sources to be posted. Maybe they will do it?
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Hi Tim!
Source of project i published. ( Pulsonix )
Source program code will be in the near future.
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Thank you so very much!
I'll check it out very soon, I'm just a little busy the next couple of days. I'll check it early next week.
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