Easy to Build
Reducing the electronic components to one RPi, the LEDs, and the wires between them allows you to concentrate on the form and design.
Using standard LEDs with a maximum of 3.1 volts. Any color and shape you like.
The current to the LEDs is limited by the RPi to 2 mA per GPIO via software. Possible values are 2, 4, 8, 16 (higher than 4 is not recommended). The usual resistor in line of the LED is not needed!
The RPi can be powered over a Micro-USB cable. Use a mobile phone power supply (for USB) or a nearby PC/server with USB.
The typical current on the 5 volts line is about 100 mA with peaks up to 300 mA when WiFi fires.
The clock is implemented in the Python file ~/piClock/bcd.py. It can be adapted to use a different pin to LED mapping, and 2 additional pins can be defined to extend the displayable hours to 24.
To use low voltage bulbs (5...24V), you can add 3 line driver ICs like the ULN2003 or ULN2803 directly to the RPi without a level shifter.
To use a pure binary display (6 LEDs for minutes/seconds) the python program can be easily adapted.
Pins for I²C, 1-Wire, serial and button are left free for additional IoT gadgets for e.g. temperature, humidity, luminosity, presence, notifications...
Feel free to implement a luminosity control (planned but not realized yet)
Why RPi?
- The RPi can use up to 26 GPIO pins directly without an additional port expander or shift register. Most smaller/cheaper controllers do not have enough pins to drive the 20 LEDs directly.
- The RPi has a built in current limiter on the GPIO pins. Resistors in line to LEDs are not necessary.
- The RPi Zero has onboard WiFi to get the correct time via NTP. No external RTC is needed.
- The RPi Zero has sufficient power and pins to run additional IoT features.
- Faster and easier development and code change.
- Linux! Many steps to setup the controller. See chapter on GitHub Wiki...
- Linux! Potential security leaks to your local network.
- Over 30 sec. boot time.
- A little more expensive (about 20 Euro incl. MicroSD) than an ESP8266 (<7 Euro). Note also that an ESP8266 needs additional shift registers...
Why pigpio-lib?
- This lib can handle software PWM for ALL 26 GPIOs without glitches.
- Faster than BCM-lib.
- Development and debugging can be done on your PC, remote-controlling the RPi GPIOs over the network.
- Implementation for several programming languages available.
- pigpio-deamon eats 7...10 percent of CPU time continously, independent of how many GPIOs or PWMs are active.
- The lib's documentation leaves room for improvement.
Brilliant project, I have been looking for a while... Many thanks for sharing.