1Docs, docs, docs...
Print the datasheets of the EB85 board, the TA15-11GWA LED matrix, the BS170 and BS250P transistors and the schematic diagram.
2Preparation step
Unpack the EB85 board and populate J1, J3 and J4 with the six 2x10 female headers. Sure enough, the standard ESD protection guidelines apply or you may end up with a dead I/O bank(s), or, even worse, dead logic cells. Put it back in its antistatic bag.
3Soldering the passives
Solder a veritical bus of pads on your protoboard (the length depends, use something like a 28-ish AWG tinned wire). This will be your GND and you'll be soldering the sources and the gate resistors of the low side NMOS drivers to it (check the schematic and the pics). Solder two of the 10pin female headers horizontally (let's label the pins from left to righ on both headers, the leftmost pin being pin 0; the left header will be referred as R(ow) and the right one as C(olumn)). It should look like (R0)(R1)(R2)(R3)(R4)(R5)(R6)(R7)(R8)(R9)(space)(space)(C0)(C1)(C2)(C3)(C4)(C5)(C6)(C7)(C8)(C9). Solder 8 220R column resistors between pins C0...C7 and adjacent pads on the protoboard.
4Bypass / filter
Solder wires between the GND bus, R8 and C8 (GND-R8-C8). Solder a wire between R9 and C9 (this will be your +3.3V rail). Solder 100n and 10u caps between R8-R9. Repeat for C8-C9. Be extra careful with the tantalum caps, POLARITY MATTERS!!!
5Low side drivers (current sinks)
Repeat 8 times: take a BS170 NMOS and solder the S(ource), G(ate) and D(rain) pins to the board (S to the GND bus you've just made) and immediately solder a 10K resistor between the G and the S (or the GND bus). You can easily fit a transistor-resistor pair in a 2x3 pads rectangle. Let's label the Gs and Ds (G0, D0), ..., (G7, D7), respectively. ESD protections apply.
Solder wires between (R0, ..., R7) and (G0, ..., G7).
7LED matrix "socket"
Solder two 10pin female headers so spaced that you can mate the TA15-11 on top (mind the 1st pin of the matrix and follow the datasheet).
8Wiring the matrix (rows)
Solder wires between the drains (D0, ..., D7) and the (r1, ..., r8) pins on the matrix side. It should look like this: D0-r1, D1-r2, ..., D7-r8. Kingbright guys count from "1" so pay attention which goes where.
9Wiring the matrix (columns)
Solder wires between the column resistors and the (c1, .., c8) matrix pins. It should look like C0-[220R]-c1, C1-[220R]-c2, ..., C7-[220R]-c8. Kingbright guys count from "1" so pay attention which goes where. You may skip this step and continue from step 11 on.
10You're done!
Now it's time for some Verilog code :).
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