
Project Log 10/3/2018

A project log for Synchronia♥Duet

Synchronia♥Duet, a Musical Instrument built for two!

thomas-r-mahannaThomas R. Mahanna 10/05/2018 at 12:050 Comments

Project Log 10/3/2018


I've been really busy lately and almost forgot about this project. Thanks to Stephen Tranovich for reminding me to update it.

The Synchronia♥Duet is my attempt at solving the problem of creating a musical instrument that utilizes the unique talents of two instrumentalists, playing in concert. It achieves it's end by uniting two keyboards in a 3D Matrix (Harmony / Melody / Time) with the Harmony Keyboardist choosing the musical space in which the melody keyboardist is playing.

In the video example, the Harmony Keyboardist is playing a simple repeating  I / iii / IV / iii  ( C / D# / F / D#) chord progression. The software reads the Harmony Keyboard and, depending on the whether the Harmony Keyboardist is holding down the <Chord Type> selctor key, strums the chord. The Melody Keyboard is dynamically remapped (with the lower keys representing the selected chord notes (C E G, D# G A#, F A C, etc) in multiple octaves and the upper keys representing two octaves of the associated Minor Pentatonic Scale A C D E G, C D# F G A#, D F G A C).

