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DC Motorized Treadmill (Product not Decided)
The main device of this project used for exercise.
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SHINECON Virtual Reality Glasses
Used to hold the Smartphone in place.
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MPU-6050 Accelerometer & Gyroscope Module
Sensor used to detect forward and backward movement.
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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module
Sensor used to detect the User when above the Treadmill.
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L293d H-Bridge Motor Speed Controller
Used to control the speed of the motor.
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Used to display and process the game elements. We will use VIVO V7.
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Battery (Product not Decided)
Used to power the Foot Trackers and the User Tracker.
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Arduino Mega 2560
The main Microcontroller with the ability to use multiple Serial Connections.
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Microcontroller of Arduino Uno, etc.
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16MHz Oscillator
The Oscillator of AtMega328p which will serve as the Clock.
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22pf Ceramic Capacitor
Used to provide power fo the Oscillator.
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nRF24l01 2.4Ghz Radio Frequency Module
Wireless module to be used in communication between the .
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HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Wireless module to be used in communication with the Smartphone.