
8th August: Block schematic

A project log for WildDrone Locator

"Safety First!", we often hear. Mounted on a drone, this beacon says "I'm here!" in LoRa language.

mihaivdrMihaiVDR 09/29/2018 at 19:160 Comments

Now that I have my requirements set up, I can plan my circuit using a block diagram (fig. 1).

Fig. 1: Block diagram.
Fig. 1: Block diagram.

The power circuit is fed in 2 ways: 5V from an micro-USB connector (also used for programming and configuration) and whichever voltage comes from the drone's power system. The power block is detailed in fig. 2. It contains:

Fig. 2: Power block.
Fig. 2: Power block.

I haven't thought at the power up circuit yet, but it will certainly have something to do with a momentary push button and the micro-controller.

The MCU will be of ultra-low power type, most likely a STM32L0 with the smallest available package (except BGA and chip-scale package). USB peripheral would be nice, it could make the micro-USB connector more useful (for configuration and possibly firmware update). This block also includes everything a MCU needs: reset pull-up and capacitor, configurable boot mode (depends on the MCU), an "alive" led, decoupling capacitors and, obviously, a programming connector (probably smd pads to solder wires).

I will search for the smallest GPS receiver available, with low power tracking modes. Power down options (other than power cutoff) are also required, and most likely, will be an Enable pin, driven by the MCU.

I already selected the radio module: RFM96. It is a LoRa transceiver, operating in the 433MHz band. Apart from LoRa, it also knows FSK modulation, so it might be possible to send some audio, but that's a feature for the far away future. The antenna will be attached with a UFL connector.

Now let's find some real world components!
