
11th August: Schematix done !

A project log for WildDrone Locator

"Safety First!", we often hear. Mounted on a drone, this beacon says "I'm here!" in LoRa language.

mihaivdrMihaiVDR 09/30/2018 at 16:160 Comments

Yay! The schematic is not that complicated, it took me longer to create all the symbols and footprints!

Each block has its own schematic page. Let's start with the power block:

Fig. 1: Power block.
Fig. 1: Power block.

Next, the MCU:

Fig. 2: MCU block.
Fig. 2: MCU block.

Moving on with the GPS module. Nothing spectacular here:

Fig. 3: GPS receiver.
Fig. 3: GPS receiver.

And the LoRa Transceiver:

Fig. 4: LoRa transceiver.
Fig. 4: LoRa transceiver.

The reset and the CS pin are kept high by R2+C8 and R3, respectively. The same combo of different value capacitors decouples the part.

On the left is the UFL connector.

Now let's proceed with the PCB layout. I am seriously considering a 4 layer board. I do not want to lose GPS fix when sending LoRa packets ...
