I previously made my Kinesis wireless using a USB host, Adafruit's Powerboost and a nRF52 Feather but the battery life was terrible (1-2days). As soon as I finished that project, I set out to find a way to make the Kinesis wireless and have battery life that could last months. As the stock controller consumed around 26mA on idle, the controller needed to be replaced.
This is probably my 4th Arduino project, and first time routing a board, so expect it to be a little rough but it's still in development so let me know if you come across any bugs.
Boards were ordered from PCBgogo. I found their service to be great, price was reasonable, shipping and production was blazing fast. I ordered on Saturday night and by Tuesday afternoon the boards arrived in Japan.
Hello everyone, anybody got spare boards for this? I got 2 kinesis advantage coming up.