
4-bit CPU (TD4 once again)

I build TD4 CPU and expand it (add RAM, switchable memory banks and rugged I/O)

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TD4 is a 4-bit CPU built around 74HC283 full-adder (which I don't have and will replace with "discrete logic" adder) described in Japanese book "CPU no tsukurikata". That's not the first time this CPU is built here on HaD (see , that's actually how I found this book in first place).

TD4 by itself is very primitive architecture - it can't even add it's registers together! There is only 16 bytes for program code and no RAM. Of course, it's easy to understand, but for something serious (think OS) that's absolutely not enough!

So, the plan:

  • Add RAM
  • Add switchable ROM banks
  • ...
  • Software!

But, there are a few tricky moments.

First and foremost - I want to maintain backward compatibility with existing programs for TD4. It's not very hard, but gives a restriction to work with:

  • I can't change existing opcodes (there are 12 out of 16 now)

This means I can only use 4 additional instructions to implement all the features I want.

Currently, those 4 instruction are distributed like this:

  • LD Imm - load from RAM to register B
  • ST Imm - store to RAM from register B
  • SWM Imm - switch RAM (memory) bank
  • SWI Imm - switch ROM (instruction) bank

RISCy, isn't it?

Also, there is an age-old workaround - it's possible to hook up additional hardware to the I/O bus and control it using IN and OUT instructions. I consider this as a way to add some interedting functionality, like external ALU or even UART (communications!).

Another moment is jumps between ROM banks. I'm still not sure about the implementation details, so I skip this for a while.

  • TD4 DevKit Reorganisation Log

    Alexander Nekhaev05/06/2020 at 08:36 0 comments


    • Assembler
    • Disassembler
    • Emulator
    • stdlib
    • stdpextlib
    • "New project" script

    In development:

    • Preprocessor

  • We are stil alive!

    Alexander Nekhaev04/14/2020 at 23:26 1 comment

     Hi everyone! We have been absent for a while, but it doesn’t mean we haven’t been working on our project. Due to several reasons our engineer Fedor will return to his work on ardware in late October and I am still working on software. Right now I work on SDK improvements. In several weeks git repository will be updated and the Development Kit program will be divided into several independent ones:

    • Preprocessor
    • Assembler
    • Disassembler
    • Emulator

    Next, standard library of assembler macros will be reorganized and partially rewritten. Also we are working on tiny OS for loading programs on two-core machines from external device. Unfortunately we refuse our .NET Assembler v3.0 and new SDK is further development of C-based assembler.

    Some new utilities will be added.

    Next step for software part is programming languages support. First of all C and Go compilers (looks like Go compiler will appear earlier). Talking about C compiler I mean LLVM back-end for TD4. Go compiler will be based on SSA library.

    In Assembler v3.0 we introduced TD4E8 device without explanations. The difference between TD4 and TD4E8 is length of Imm which is 1 byte in new core. It means that amount of RAM now can be enlarged up to 8192 bytes.

    Several ideas about future improvements:

    • Improved emulator with modeling different machine configurations.
    • SystemVerilog machine generator.

    That’s all for now. Stay tuned and stay healty.

  • Assembler 3.0

    Alexander Nekhaev08/25/2019 at 10:28 0 comments

    Assembler 3.0 is mostly ready but some bugs still present. May be downloaded from repo. Attention: this version is written in C# so you will need .NET 4.7. It's available both on Windows, macOS and Linux.

  • SystemVerilog sources added

    Alexander Nekhaev06/15/2019 at 12:58 0 comments

    SystemVerilog source code of vanilla TD4 is now available on GitHub in main repo.

  • Early core scheme

    Alexander Nekhaev03/05/2019 at 23:24 0 comments

    TD4+ Core early version render (from KiCad).

  • Now in Minecraft!

    Alexander Nekhaev02/01/2019 at 00:02 0 comments

    Test program:

    ;;Standart test for TD4: output all numbers from 0 to 15
    mov b, a
    out b
    mov a, b +1
    jncl inc

  • Finally, an update!

    Fedor Gruzdev10/18/2018 at 09:15 0 comments

    After almost 2 weeks since projects' creation it's time to write a log, isn't it? I've got a few things to post.

    First, now there's a link to Github repo with some code written by my friend with whom we started this. As he is more about software than hardware, he writes "SDK" (if you can call it this).  For now, there are assembler/disassembler and emulator. This is enough to start writing programs (although you can do this using nothing but a sheet of paper but still).

    Second, I finally assembed ROM PCB!

    It's wired point-to-point using enameled wire. I saw this technique here on HaD (by the way, I hihgly reccomend visiting Elm's site,, there's a lot of great stuff over there (check out the pictures!)). That's a time-consuming process, but the results look very nice (do they?). I've also made it swappable, so it's possible to develop program using this PCB and than make a smaller hard-wired diode-only version (true firmware BTW).

    Next thing to do is to start assembling the main board, and the first part will be, of course, the IC9 replacement, discrete-logic ful adder!

View all 7 project logs

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Discussions wrote 05/10/2024 at 11:51 point

Ok, this is mobile version? with screen, keyboard (or other way to input program and get output?

Power and meybe sound?

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juergen wrote 07/24/2023 at 17:16 point

This looks like a very good implementation.
We have a project called TPS Myco - a 4 bit processor system with all of the bells and whistles, but in software ...
and it might fit to expand this processor in the same direction.
We have 256 addresses using a 4 bit page register in addition to the program counter.
MyCo now runs on nano, microbit, RPI PICO and others,
but I always wanted an even limited version in chips..
And your approach looks quite close. 4 instructions could be implemented without decoding:
1n output nibble to output
2n delay execution by 16 different values
3n is JUMP Back in MyCo, but could be a JUMP
xn to be defined.

There is a downoloadable simulator - adaptable to the different implementations.

There is even an online version of TPS/MyCo with assembler at

and there are 3 books about it on amazon already.

One of them describes it and you can just use pen and paper
- no hardware required to "run" the 40 examples. All fully described in the book

The other 2 books are here and show the different hardware implementations

I am looking forward to more of your design.

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agp.cooper wrote 10/10/2018 at 11:55 point

The TD4 is perhaps my favourate CPU. Look forward to seeing your version.

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Dave's Dev Lab wrote 10/09/2018 at 20:01 point

looking forward to seeing some log entries on this! specially the 283 build!

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