
First Experiments with FT8

A project log for Magnetic Loop Antennas for QRP Amateur Radio

An ongoing exploration and experiment about the use of small magnetic loop antennas for QRP (low power) Amateur Radio.

mark-dammer-mm0dqmMark Dammer MM0DQM 11/04/2018 at 09:070 Comments

This first experiments with FT8 this summer showed very encouraging results. I used the FT818ND with 5W output power to the loop. 30m turned out to be the best band for daytime activity. The antenna was not fully optimized at this point - the simple air gap variable capacitor was used for tuning.

I was able to make successful contacts with Norway, Germany and France over a maximum distance of about 1500 Km.

Once I had started using the vacuum variable capacitor for tuning I was up for the big surprise: Suddenly my CQs got picked up by stations thousands of kilometers away in both directions: The Ukraine to the East, Wyoming in the USA to the West and the Canary Islands to the South.


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