
Snap Glove code for the ESP32 and Arduino

ino - 3.87 kB - 12/22/2018 at 05:14


Thanos Twitch

A basic Twitch bot that collects all users in a chat, segments half of them off for timeouts, and will time them out when a specific message is sent by a specific person

Is missing the cfg file for communicating with twitch (its passwords and what not)-> #
HOST = "" # the Twitch IRC server
PORT = 6667 # always use port 6667!
NICK = "twitch_username" # your Twitch username, lowercase
PASS = "oauth:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # your Twitch OAuth token
CHAN = "#channel" # the channel you want to join

plain - 4.28 kB - 12/20/2018 at 13:21
