So I managed to write a top module for the PWM module I came up with. Here it is:
module top( input i_clk12, output o_led); reg reset = 0; wire pwm_out; wire clk_dc; reg[15:0] dc = 0; clockdivider clkdiv(i_clk12, 12000000, clk_dc); pwm #(.bits(16)) pwm0(i_clk12,reset,16'd15999,dc,pwm_out); always @(posedge clk_dc) begin dc <= (dc == 16000) ? 0 : (dc + 4000); end SB_IO #( // IO IP instance .PIN_TYPE(6'b011001) // configure as output ) pin_out_driver ( .PACKAGE_PIN(o_led), // connect to this pin .D_OUT_0(pwm_out) // output the state of "led" ); endmodule
It cycles through 5 duty cycle levels (on per second). Reset isn't used, but that's not too critical here I guess.
This is the pwm code:
module pwm #( parameter bits = 4 )( input clkin, input reset, input[bits-1:0] max, input[bits-1:0] compare, output out ); reg[bits-1:0] count = 0; reg[bits-1:0] compareLatched = 0; always @(posedge clkin) begin if(reset == 1) begin count <= 0; compareLatched <= 0; end else begin if(count == 0) begin count <= max-1; compareLatched <= compare; end else count <= count-1; end end assign out = count < compareLatched; endmodule
set_io i_clk12 21 set_io o_led 96
This is for #ICEd = an Arduino Style Board, with ICE FPGA
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