
ICEd = an Arduino Style Board, with ICE FPGA

DIPSY-EPT Emulator and Programme Tool -
Open Source Hardware for Open Source FPGA Toolchain

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Help get ICE Ultralite support into ICEstorm!
I have started the RE already and there is some more happening..

I have hacked FPGA bitstreams myself, but never to any usable result.
Project IceStorm has full open source toolchain for FPGA, first time in the History.
I want to provide a Open Source Hardware Platform that can use the open FPGA tools.

System Diagram

  • Directly supported by Lattice Development tools
  • Supported by open-source FPGA tools, project "icestorm"
  • FPGA pinout mostly compatible to Lattice iceStick development board
  • 1 Digilent Pmod(tm) slot
  • micro SD Card socket
  • 16MByte SPI NOR Flash
  • DIPSY Socket for programming custom DIPSY's
  • FT2232H, use for Flash Programming or FPGA download to RAM
  • USB UART on FTDI Channel B
  • Optionally powered from USB
  • 8 pin Header for ESP8266 WiFi Module


Additional licenses for open-source FPGA toolchain (if used):

  • arachne-pnr GPL v2
  • yosys ISC
  • IceStorm MIT

  • 1 × ICE40HX1K Logic ICs / Programmable Logic: FPGAs
  • 1 × FT2232H Multifunction USB IC from FTDIchip
  • 1 × micro USB Connector
  • 1 × micro SD Card Socket
  • 1 × RGB LED RGB LED in PLCC4 Package

View all 8 components

  • First production Batch!

    Antti Lukats08/31/2015 at 07:51 10 comments

    Now we have some board to spare, until today I only had one for testing, as form the first assembly round we assembled only 4 and 3 from those I sent to Pasadena..

  • WiFi test with ESP8266

    Antti Lukats08/23/2015 at 17:11 0 comments

    The socket for ESP8266 is connected to the FPGA only, so we need to connect the ESP to UART for testing first.

    This is just a "wiring" code for FPGA, creates wires from ESP to UART pin of FT2232H.

    // ICEd UART to ESP8266
    // What it does: connects FTDI channel B pins to ESP8266 UART
    module top(
    	// RGB LED
    	output LED_R,
    	output LED_G,
    	output LED_B,
    	// Small SMD LED (green)
    	output LED_small,
    	output ESP_TXD,
    	input ESP_RXD,
    	output ESP_RESET,
    	input ESP_GPIO0,
    	output ESP_GPIO2,
    	// FTDI FT2232H Channel B
    	input BDBUS0, 
    	output BDBUS1 
    	assign LED_R = BDBUS0;
    	assign LED_G = ESP_RXD;
    	assign LED_B = 1'b1;
    	assign ESP_GPIO2 = 1'b1;
    	assign LED_small = ESP_GPIO0;
    	assign ESP_TXD = BDBUS0;
    	assign BDBUS1 = ESP_RXD;
    endmodule // top
    Sure pin constraints too, then load the FPGA, and ready to test.

    First test worked - the only issue was wrong baudrate setting!

  • First Application with IceStorm toolchain

    Antti Lukats08/22/2015 at 11:28 0 comments

    Time to test out IceStorm for some real project, I already had VHDL code that converts ICEd board to DIPSY programmer by making proper connections to the FTDI USB Chip on ICEd board. IceStorm supports verilog so here we go:

    // ICEd as DIPSY programmer
    // What it does: connects FTDI channel B pins to DIPSY socket
    // so that Lattice and or other tools can see DIPSY UL1K SPI
    // Interface on FTDI channel B MPPSE pins
    module top(
    // RGB LED
    output LED_R,
    output LED_G,
    output LED_B,
    // Small SMD LED (green)
    output LED_small,
    // DIPSY Socket
    output DIPSY_MOSI,
    input DIPSY_MISO,
    output DIPSY_SCK,
    output DIPSY_SS,
    output DIPSY_RESET,
    input DIPSY_DONE,
    // FTDI FT2232H Channel B
    input BDBUS0, 
    input BDBUS1, 
    output BDBUS2, 
    input BDBUS4, 
    output BDBUS6, 
    input BDBUS7);
    // We create "WIRES" here, they will be real connections!
    assign LED_R = 1'b0;
    assign LED_G = 1'b1;
    assign LED_B = 1'b1;
    assign LED_small = 1'b1;
    assign DIPSY_SCK = BDBUS0;
    assign DIPSY_MOSI = BDBUS1;
    assign BDBUS2 = DIPSY_MISO;
    assign DIPSY_SS = BDBUS4;
    assign DIPSY_RESET = BDBUS7;
    // optional
    assign BDBUS6 = DIPSY_DONE;
    endmodule // top

    Thats it: the "assign" assigns input to output creating an electrical connection. But how does the code know to what pins those names belong? I was wondering too, but IceStorm tools support IceCube PCF constraints file:

    # ##############################################################################
    # Constraint for ICEd board to be used DISPY in socket Programmer
    # ##############################################################################
    set_io BDBUS2 7
    set_io BDBUS6 1
    set_io BDBUS7 10
    set_io DIPSY_RESET 45
    set_io DIPSY_SS 49
    set_io BDBUS0 9
    set_io BDBUS4 3
    set_io DIPSY_DONE 52
    set_io DIPSY_MISO 39
    set_io LED_B 97
    set_io LED_R 99
    set_io BDBUS1 8
    set_io DIPSY_MOSI 41
    set_io DIPSY_SCK 38
    set_io LED_G 98
    set_io LED_small 96
    This file does map symbolic names to the physical package pins.

    So how to compile?

    REM IceStorm binary have to be ..\bin and ..\share
    ..\bin\yosys.exe -q -p "synth_ice40 -blif top.blif" top.v
    ..\bin\arachne-pnr -p top.pcf top.blif -o top.txt
    ..\bin\icepack top.txt top.bin
    This is script for Windows, for Linux it may be little different. First command does synthesis, then there is place and route and bitgen. As result we get a 32K binary file. This binary files contains the "configuration" that creates the actual electrical connection inside the FPGA package connecting some inputs pins to output pins.

    Did it work?

    Yes, compiled once, tried once and worked first try. Both the same code with compiled with ICEcube as the version compiled with IceStorm.

    True respect to IceStorm !

  • Progress on Documentation

    Antti Lukats08/22/2015 at 09:02 0 comments

    It is still not much but it is progressing, initial document wiki is setup

    Components for the next batch have arrived so we will assemble all PCB we have from first PCB order.

  • ICEd testing

    Antti Lukats08/18/2015 at 19:18 0 comments

    ICEd is mostly compatible to Lattice ICEstick, same FPGA many I/Os are at same pins, so a lot of code that works on ICEstick would also work on ICEd without changes.


    1. yosys example "rot" compiled with ICEstorm (rot.bin) would blink the RGB LED on ICEd
    2. j1a.bin from swapforth would work also

    Note when trying j1a.bin then need check the terminal setting because of DTR use for reset. With putty there would be possible no output, using parallax terminal I got response (UART setting 115200)

    Step 1:

    Connect micro USB Cable to ICEd

    Step 2:

    Click detect, make sure FTUSB-0 is selected as Port

    Step 3: Click scan

    Step 4:

    Click on the Yellow cell and select HX1K from drop down

    Step 5: Select say rot.bin from IceStorm project

    can also grab here

    Step 6:

    Click on green arrow, this will load the code into the HX1K configuration RAM

    FPGA on ICEd is configured OK

    Both the RGB LED and the small green SMD LED should blink: rot.v does toggle 5 LEDs (on ICEstick) ICEd has those 5 LEDS mapped to RGB LED and that small green one.

  • First production batch

    Antti Lukats08/17/2015 at 20:20 0 comments

    The remaining PCBs from the first PCB batch are also now in SMD Assembly, so we can soon send free samples to the project IceStorm folks.

    This is amazing, you start a simple shell script that runs 3 programs, and from verilog you get ready FPGA bitstream in seconds. No need to install gigabytes of FPGA vendor tools, or ask for license or anything.

    Just works.

  • Pushed to github

    Antti Lukats08/17/2015 at 18:43 0 comments

    Full CAD source codes and generated files include BOM pushed to the project main github repo

    ups the repo path was wrong, fixed now

  • Porting the open FPGA toolchain to windows

    Antti Lukats08/14/2015 at 16:13 0 comments

    It is looking promising so far, most libraries needed to be included to compile all the parts that make up the FPGA toolchain are been compiled succesfully, hopefully the code gets fully compiled. Then there is no longer need to have extra VM for the FPGA toolchain, for those who work on non linux hosts.

    Of course Lattice tools work on Windows OK.

  • J1a soft-cpu is running Forth!

    Antti Lukats08/12/2015 at 20:24 0 comments

    It just will work, 1:1 no changes, can take the precompiled j1a.bin, load it, and then you get the terminal to the forth system.

  • Open FPGA toolchain tested, working!

    Antti Lukats08/12/2015 at 14:14 0 comments

    rot.v demo from ICEstorm, compiled, tested just working:

View all 15 project logs

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Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas wrote 09/16/2015 at 01:01 point

I need 3 for my project, when and how much will it cost?

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Victor Suarez Rovere wrote 08/24/2015 at 20:28 point

which soft core does it run? which pheripherals are available? can it use arduino IDE?

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Wladimir van der Laan wrote 08/24/2015 at 04:38 point

I like how the board has an MicroSD socket and a WiFi socket. Looks great for developing a small SoC using open source sw and hw. Do you know whether the pinout for the HX8K is similar, or would that require extensive changes?

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Antti Lukats wrote 08/24/2015 at 07:13 point

HX8K is not available in compatible package, only HX4K. Icestorm does not yet support HX4K, but this should not be so big change to IceStorm as both the larger and smaller devices are supported.

HX4K can be used with iceCUBE, if using verilog the code could be verified to be IceStorm compatible.

But even into HX1K a SoC does fit in, no problems with that so it is already sufficient...!

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Wladimir van der Laan wrote 09/01/2015 at 14:54 point

Thanks for the reply! Yes, HX1K/HX4K should suffice. I was just wondering.

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Antti Lukats wrote 09/01/2015 at 14:57 point

Hi, HX8K is not available in this package at all, the maximum upgrade that is just an assembly option is HX4K.

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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 08/23/2015 at 17:21 point

I've tested the first SiliconBlue software (before the Lattice acquisition) and I liked the tools.
It's cool that there is a real Open Source compiler now ! But it only supports Verilog and I want to keep my VHDL :-/

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Antti Lukats wrote 08/23/2015 at 17:37 point

yes, the iceCUBE is still there very simple, just works, does VHDL and Verilog, but verilog seems to be preferred there too.

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Andrei Errapart wrote 08/16/2015 at 15:19 point

Can you promise that on this board 100ms delay will be exactly 100ms and not 99ms or 101ms as was the case last time I checked on an Arduino?

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Antti Lukats wrote 08/16/2015 at 15:41 point

HX1K has an internal PLL, so you can time everything to be be precise to the highest clock inside the FPGA, so accurary would be 5ns, with almost no timing jitter (jitter < 100ps).

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Radu Motisan wrote 08/17/2015 at 19:14 point

hehe , you two :)

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Antti Lukats wrote 08/17/2015 at 19:17 point

now its 3 of us, better so. I made some stuff with ice65, now ice40, well its is so small and nice :) and having a PLL is big bonus sometimes..

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