
If you own a Lerdge board...

A project log for Lerdge 3d Printer Mainboard Hacking

Breaking the encryption on the Lerdge series mainboards so I can try porting Marlin 2.0 to it.

jc-nelsonJ.C. Nelson 12/09/2018 at 21:071 Comment

In the files I've put out the first 64k of RAM as seen my by code, plus the decrypted bootloader.bin file (which I swear looks like it ought to run at an offset of 0x10000. ) If you have a lerdge board you've accidentally or on purpose wiped, try flashing the first 64k one and see if you can then update to lerdge's normal firmware via the force method.


plam wrote 12/14/2018 at 00:56 point

Hello J.C. !!! Thank you for doing this !!! I've been literally waiting for someone to do it :) !

I have a Lerdge-X which at some point I thought I've burned the MCU so I ordered a new one and replaced it ( yes I can solder too ;) .. ) . I have also a STLink from a discovery board and initially when I connected it I was able to read and write the newly soldered MCU. However my programming and debugging skills are far not as my soldering once - so long story short - after multiple tries nothing happened and I gave up. Then recently after couple months I decided to play again with the board - unfortunately this time STLink would not recognize the MCU. The board it self when powered on does the following - it turns on the three GREEN Leds and also was flashing the BLUE Led at different freq. and intervals. I just tested it again - does not turn on the BLUE led  any more.

I tested STLink against the chip on the discovery board and is all fine. So the question is what now ?

Once again thank you !!!!



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