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Arduino Nano R3
Develoment board & microcontroller that can be plugged into breadboard; this runs the control script that balances the robot.
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NEMA 17 Stepper Motor
Bipolar stepper motor and has a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution). Each of the robot wheels will be powered independently by these motors.
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A4988 Stepper Motor Driver (in breakout-board)
The drivers used to control the stepper motors; one per motor.
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MPU-6050 6 Axis Gyro + Accelerometer (in breakout-board)
The robot's sensor that is used to report the tilt angle.
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HC-06 Bluetooth Serial Pass-through Module
Used to communicate with Android smartphone.
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2200mAh 11.4V LiPo Battery
The robot's power source.
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600x300x5mm Acrylic Sheet
The robot chassis is laser cut from this material.
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Breadboard (63 Row)
Prototyping breadboard to be used with jumper wires; a larger board is more forgiving when building the circuit.
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Set of Jumper wires
Typical set jumper wires; different lengths required, different colours is helpful.