
Lion's Color Palette

A project log for Lion FPGA CPU/Computer

A 16-bit (and a 32bit) FPGA CPU I call Lion CPU and a computer, the Lion computer. Everything built from scratch.

leonLeon 01/12/2021 at 21:500 Comments

Lion32's controller now has 64Κ of video ram and supports 256 colors in mode 1.

In 16bit Lion mode 1  the resolution is 320x200 and every pixel's color is defined by 4bits so 16colors/pixel but  I just added the feature to choose the 4bit combination from a palette of colors.

Every bit can be assigned to any of the 3bits per RGB color of the ladder DAC in the base board.

This is an example of a palette choice with more shades of red and a bit of blue, a mandelbrot calculated using the 64bit fixed point arithmetic of Lion's Tiny Basic:
