It is said that the last words uttered by Archimedes before being killed by a Roman soldier while drawing in the sand was "Nōlī turbāre circulōs meōs!" which translates to "Do not disturb my circles".
Well, my circles - or maybe I should say rings - that should have been put nice and straight on top of each other are for sure disturbed. ;-)
They ended up a bit more crooked and askew than I had hoped for, and while I can strive for perfection I don't demand it from myself, so for the time being this is good enough.
Even if I had printed some jigs for holding the rings in place while soldering the resistors that I use as spacers/structure between the rings it was really hard to make it look even remotely nice.

Well, this is how the first cylinder ended up. Maybe the second cylinder with 16 rings for the address bus will be a bit prettier now that I have some experience with them.

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Resistors as spacers ?...
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I had a bunch of 1 megs at home. It would have been better with 10 megs of course, but I think it will be ok.
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Could have used 1pf caps as well, but I don't have that low a value in enough quantity...
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Hey, looks good to me :-D
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