Hypno Butt is constructed of brass wire, closeout bin and scavenged through-hole components. Light and sound patterns are made via a mixture of flicker candle LEDs, 555 timer, and hall effect sensor. He draws power through his feet. 9 Volts are his favorite but 5V will work if slumming it.
I feel pretty good about where this project is now but might revisit it sometime when I have access to a proper o-scope. Since I believe this is a novel 555 circuit using both the flicker LEDs and Hall effect components I'd like to know exactly what's happening. I've posted my theory in the comments.
More 4chan than anything, really. 9GAG is just the waste-collector of the internet, directly followed by facebook :) 4chan /b/ on the other hand went from full retard in early days to not even mildly interesting over the last few years.
This is great. Can you explain a little about what's going on here? I've hooked up those flicker leds to an LM386 to listen to them sing, but I didn't realize it could be done with a 555.
For the same reasons they make speakers sing, as the leds go through their psuedo-random routine the current they pass / voltage across them fluctuates wildly. This is altering the charge discharge cycle on the 555. One led is fed slightly higher current making it slightly brighter and cycle faster. The hall sensor is a happy accident. I mistook it for a transistor at first (which there is one in there according to the data sheet) hooked up in this unconventional way seemed to work. My best guess is it's floating the ground or something when pulsed. I don't have a scope to check. This is loosely based off the led flasher pg 22 of Forest M Mimms III 555 mini notebook.
Thanks for the explanation. A friend of mine was just asking me the other day how he might get an RGB led (the kind with the built-in chip) to sing. I'm going to pass this info along to him because it seems like it should work well for what he wants to do
9GAGers would be crazy...