
Self balancing Robotic Scooter

A Self Balancing Robotic Scooter is a vehicle
which can balance itself under the force of
gravity and regardless of the surface/ angle.

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Self balancing Robotic Scooter will help balance the rider while on commute even its being hit by other vehicle or the commutor is disabled person.
The concept behind self-balancing is the PID control loop. Proportional-Integral-derivative is a feedback loop which uses the value of Inertial measurement unit (IMU) as the process variable and adds the value to a set point to find and eliminate the error and reach the set point as close as possible.
The IMU and PID controller are interfaced with Raspberry Pi and then motor driver IC is interfaced with Pi which in turn controls the motors of the bot.
We can understand the working of bot with a simple analogy.
Consider a human body. Whenever someone pushes us, we tend to move our legs in the direction of push so as to balance our body. Or when we get off a bus we start running in the forward direction so that we do not fall. Similarly the robot tends to balance itself by adjusting the direction and speed of the motor.

We can understand the working of bot with a simple analogy.
Consider a human body. Whenever someone pushes us, we tend to move our legs in the direction of push so as to balance our body. Or when we get off a bus we start running in the forward direction so that we do not fall. Similarly the robot tends to balance itself by adjusting the direction and speed of the motor.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 3
  • 1 × GY-521 IMU Accererometer + Gyroscope sensor to measure gravity and tilt values
  • 3 × Rotary Potentiometer Variable Resistance for PID loop
  • 1 × L293d Interface and IO ICs / Peripheral Drivers and Actuators
  • 2 × DC Motor

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Julian Blanco wrote 12/05/2016 at 15:26 point

What motors did you use for this project? Also what are the approx dimensions of the robot?

Nice work!


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Akshul Goyal wrote 12/06/2016 at 14:48 point

hi Julian thanks for the comment! 

I used a 500rpm dc motor. Dimensions of my bot around 18*8*20 cms

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