Project On Hold and Big Changes
02/15/2019 at 17:59 • 0 commentsFirstly and unfortunately, I have decided to put this project on hold t as I have decided the sensors are not an important part of my Pi Portable Recorder at the moment and will probably not be included in the final product. However, I am still on a mission of creating the best sensor breakout and for this reason, I have some big changes - instead of the BNO055, I plan on using the FXOS8700 and FXAS21002 which will still include a accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope and shouldn't have an issue with clock stretching as well as being more accurate. I plan on still using the BMP338 but am on the lookout for a cheaper replacement for the SHT35-D. I will post here when I start working on schematics for the new board.
Basic Schematic Is Here
01/24/2019 at 07:27 • 0 commentsAfter, checking the schematic against datasheets and other people's schematics, I have tweaked a few connections (or added missing ones) and now the basic schematic is ready (see attached image). The top left sensor is the BMP388 (pressure), the top right one is BNO055 (Absolute Orientation) and the bottom one is the SHT35-D (temperature and humidity).
Please note these schematic are not the final version. I need to at least add shared I2C connections. Also, I will add a voltage regulator, logic level converters, reset buttons and MOSFETs.
Edit - I noticed I forgot to connect the VSS pin to ground on the SHT35-DIS-B. This will be fixed in the next schematic I release.
Quick Update - Basic Schematic Finished
01/22/2019 at 19:18 • 0 commentsJust a quick update to say I have finished the basic schematic. Before I upload it to here I plan on adding some extra features to improve ease of use. Firstly, I plan on adding MOSFETs so power is not wasted if you do not use a certain sensors as well as voltage regulators and logic level converters to allow the breakout to be used with a wide range of microcontrollers. Also, I also plan on adding buttons to the reset pins of the SHT35-D and BNO055.
Schematic almost ready
01/20/2019 at 22:46 • 0 commentsJust a quick log to schematic should be uploaded he midweek. I have just got to check them and add buttons for the reset pins. If you have any questions please do ask.