Why this project?
With 0-wire hardware and visual arduino 101 neuron programming, you can easily start your journey on A.I. with learning and category feature.
In this project, we would find a brand new way to make intelligent hardware including gesture recognition, environment monitoring, healthy program etc.
What is 0-wire hardware?
As the pic below, all modules are connected within bluetooth mesh to do the data transaction. This will eliminated the hardware distance limitation and make the sensor much self-contained.
What is neuron?
neuron, as my understanding, is kind of component where you can store vector and recognize vectors with specific algorithm
How about the visual program UI?
in hardware page, you can test all the modules in the network with simple click. all the data will directly show above the corresponding icon.
In software page, we are using flowchart
superb project! It helps beginners bring up idea in very short time.