What you need to do.
1. Root your Nook Touch.
2. Get Third Party apps for Android VNC Viewer (make sure its Android 2.1) and get Terminal Emulator from third party source for Android 2.1. Download them to your sdcard.
3. Make sure you have busybox installed.
4. Download the ubuntuv6 scripts. And the disc image files and store on sdcard for nook https://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxonandroid/files/Ubuntu/10.10/ (has to be older ubuntu version)
5. Get into the terminal app and enter SU into the command prompt.
6. cd /
7 cd /sdcard
8 sh whatevername it is ubuntuv6 scripts
9 Create swap files (cat /dev/urandom > swap.swp. Let it run for 60 seconds. and shut down nook. Reboot) You can map the keys to use as a CTRL. Just mapped key + C to break so you don't have to shut down nook!
10 repeat steps 5
11. mkswap swap.swp
12 swapon swap.swp
13. pgrep vnc
14 kill id of vnc
15 vncviewer -geometry 800x600
16 Set up vncpassword
17 More instructions to follow.
Any update on instructions for this? I really want to use some Nook Simple Touch's for a Home Automation panel (so there isn't a backlight at night/low power usage) and this seems to be what I'm looking for!