
My project won a Hackaday Prize Honorable Mention!

A project log for Unfolding Space

Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People

jakob-kilianJakob Kilian 11/17/2019 at 11:502 Comments

The Hackaday Prize winners are out! And Unfolding Space won an honorable mention for "Best Concept".

Once more I can express my admiration for the high level of quality and elaboration of the finalists' projects. I am super happy and I really feel "honored" (haha) to be among this year's winners.

I definitely know where to spend money on and I am very happy to have this opportunity and privilege to continue to work on something that exciting and demanding at the same time.

Thank for your support and also thanks to Supplyframe and the other Sponsors to make this happen.



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Jakob Kilian wrote 11/17/2019 at 15:37 point

Thanks. It means a lot to me! :-)

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Richard Hogben wrote 11/17/2019 at 15:07 point


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