
Heat formed nylon petals

A project log for Christine's Blooming Rose

3D printed, heat formed, servo actuated blooming, Dotstar module lit, rose.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/23/2019 at 11:122 Comments

I got the forming of the nylon petals down now.  

Preheat bulb in open air... a long time.  Place petal over it.  Wrap with a cotton cloth and stretch tight.  Wait 20 seconds.  Remove.

That just about does it for the petals I think.

I still need to generate a center cone which will be static and contain the Dotstar modules, but this is basically it.


Morning.Star wrote 02/24/2019 at 06:15 point

Still cant get my head round the fact thats spun from plastic, its so delicate.

That old radioactive spider bite came in pretty handy huh? XD

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MasterOfNull wrote 02/24/2019 at 20:25 point

My hacker sense is tingling...

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