See the two project files for the zipped folders of the projects for the host based dll and the Pro micro.
The DLL is entirely hard-coded to a particular USB serial port as the intention was for the custom dll to have LEDBlinky provide the port id:
Hard-coded isn't as bad as it sounds as Windows will generally assign the same serial port to a device when it is plugged in to the same USB port. You will need to change "\\\\.\\COM61"" to whatever has been assigned to your Pro Micro once it has been programmed with the controller software:
Recompiled the DLL and then rename the output to "ledwiz.dll" and replace the one within the LEDBlinky main folder.
The Pro Micro code is, I believe, ready to go. Programming the Pro Micro via the arduino is achieved by adding a new "Tools\External tools..." with the following:
Title: &DeployLowLevelCD
Command: C:\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude.exe
-CC:\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega32u4 -cavr109 -P\\.\COM52 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:"LOWLEVEL_CDC1.hex":i
Replace -P\\.\COM52 with whatever COM port appears in Device Manager for the "Arduino Leonardo bootloader" when the reset button is pressed with the device connected:
Once everything is programmed up (the INF file is part of Atmel project), run the "SimpleLEDTest.exe" within the LEDBlinky folder and you should be presented with 8 LEDWiz controllers:
Connect an external 5V power supply of sufficient power (1A per 16 WS2812) to power the LEDS, connect the grounds of the power supply and the Arduino and connect the MOSI D16 output to data input of the first LED.
Hello, first thank you for sharing your project, I have used the google translator, I am sorry if there are errors in the text. I have followed the steps and I have managed to implement it in my arcade but there is a function that does not work correctly and if it does it with the original ledwiz. Using hyperspin it is able to speak and blink the frontend controls but not blink when launching a game, only speak. I have checked the configuration and it is correct. when i use original ledwiz it does it correctly. I have reviewed the code but I do not understand it and I do not know if the error is there, could you help me to solve it?