
STM8S105 Stick

An STM8S105-based development board in a convenient USB stick form factor

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This is a small STM8S105-based dev board in the convenient form factor of a USB stick



Adobe Portable Document Format - 89.50 kB - 02/23/2019 at 10:29


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paulvdh wrote 09/26/2023 at 14:22 point

I do not really see what is "convenient" about this form factor.

For me, any of such boards where the pins do not fit on a 2.54mm grid, is either an (nearly) instant dismissal, or a rework of the PCB (if available) in KiCad to make it fit such a grid.

Boards like this can be nice for quick projects on matrix (vero) board, or experiments on a breadboard. If that does not fit, then it's usually not worth bothering with.

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