
Ethan Durrant

a creative and compulsive tinkerer who loves reviving old tech and e-waste.

San Francisco, CA and Provo, UT
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This user joined on 03/17/2014.

Things I've Built

Light Seeker robot with MSP430

A robot that drives towards the light, controlled by MSP430G2452 mcu.

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 04/28/2021 at 23:42 point

Thank you for liking and following my #PERSEUS-8 homemade 6502 computer !

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Mel wrote 10/24/2019 at 07:55 point

Hi Ethan,

                   Thanks for the LIKE, I too have build a couple or so Arduino Robots. I'll get them up on the site as I can. I like the look of your site and what you do. You could take a look here for more of my stuff.  https;//    


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Dr. Cockroach wrote 08/09/2019 at 07:46 point

Good morning Ethan, thank you for the follow/like for both #Light Logic  and #ColorChord - A Steampunk inspired creation  :-)

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Jacob Still wrote 07/04/2019 at 05:39 point

Hey Ethan! Thanks for liking and following my project #DIYTIL311 !

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