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ESP32 WROOM module (32,32D,32U)
Or any other pin compatible module.
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MCP73831 Lipo charging controller
The whole charging circuit is a copy from the ESP32 thing from sparkfun
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ADS1232 24-bit ADC from TI
Stop using HX711 :)
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Any OLED/TFT/... display with SPI bus
PRO version. With support for backlight pin PWM
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7-Segment SMD (5*) and MAX7221
Lunar Eclipse version.
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LDOs, one for the digital part and one for the analog
3.3V for digital, 3.3V+ for analog. Use quality LDOs or check BOM.
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Load cell
The accuracy and max load of your project depends 90% on this choice. Choose wisely.
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TLV809K33DBVR battery supervisor
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Various resistors,capacitors, leds, headers :)
Check BOM.