This is a companion project to TERMINAL-BASIC. I am developing additional PCBs for this project but wanted to get something built "quick and dirty" to get started.
!!! Important Considerations for Alpha PCB !!!
- This board has NO voltage regulation, reverse polarity protection or other niceties - it requires 5v and 5v only at the barrel jack. Cheap-o 5v wall warts work great!
- While Terminal Basic supports SD, PS/2 and Composite video - none of them have been broken out on this board. All are available via pin connections - and yes I'm working on the boards that will include the appropriate connectors - but the Alpha board doesn't have 'em.
- You WILL need a 6 pin FTDI breakout board to connect to PUTTY or your favorite (inferior) terminal software. I run PUTTY on a Raspberry Pi 3 and have found it a perfect companion to this project :)
Consider a micro USB socket instead of a barrel socket as lots of people will have surplus phone chargers.