Because I'm still waiting on some new breadboards (I've run out of space building the address decoder), I decided to take a slightly different tack and finish off the emulator I've been writing for the rosco_m68k.
I wanted to build an emulator with the same address-space layout and features as the real hardware, so I could make a start on developing software in parallel with the hardware build.
It's pretty simple - I've used the excellent Musashi m68k CPU emulator, and tied it together with a bit of C++ glue code to simulate the architecture. As the hardware design grows, I hope to keep the emulator up to date with it.
The emulator is on Github and there's a few initial bits of test firmware there too.
(Caveat: at the moment there's a couple of MSVC-specific lines in there, and the firmware is written for Easy68k. I'll fix that soon, once I move everything over to my main Linux development box. I've already got a 68k cross build of GCC and a basic build using that and VASM, so almost there...)
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