
More information posted at ResearchGate on 3 axis gravimeters

A project log for Low Cost, Time-of-Flight Gravimeter Arrays

Gravimeter array imaging requires building low cost, high sensitivity, time-of-flight (aka high sampling rate) sensors.

richard-k-collinsRichard K Collins 07/19/2022 at 17:152 Comments

My main "job" is the Internet Foundation, so I am constantly monitoring global issues, methods and activities on the Internet. But I have a heart for research groups and gravitational noise detector arrays.  A group of people started following me on ResearchGate.

Just so you can see what others are doing with gravitational sensors "for real", here is a link to my notes on ResearchGate titled 

Solar System Gravimetry and Gravitational Engineering


Richard K Collins wrote 01/12/2024 at 04:25 point

ResearchGate canceled their project support last year and I managed to save some things before they erased everything. I had/have a few dozen followers and collaborators.  I have been working on many things and still many different designs and things related to gravitational imaging.  But I am not making devices, only checking components.

Do you have any particular interest? It might be easier to summarize what you are interested in. I have been working on the gravitational potential field since 1970 and gravitational signal detection, imaging and communication since about 1978 (46 years).

I found so many different says to measure gravity. I am fairly certain many of the quantum computers are sensitive enough to pick up gravitational noise.  So I asked a few of those groups to save their noise in lossless format so I, or someone else, can correlate.  I have been looking at high sampling rate imaging sensors for several years now.  Recently I am working with LWIR infrared arrays.  My focus is on high sampling rates (MegaSps, GigaSps, TeraSps) so I can use array time of flight imaging correlation methods. I want to image the atmosphere in 3D as well as inside the Earth (volcanos and the core mantle interfaced.  And the oceans currents salinity and temperature. I know what to aim for, but simply do not have the skills now to make or afford some of the things.  A person with lots of money and younger eyes could do things.  I find data where I can, encourage groups, make videos, write comments, review papers, model and simulate, propose tests and ideas.

I am certain now that gravity at the surface of the earth has a complete gravitational spectrum with much of the power concentrated in the ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray.  But it stretches through and mixes with electromagnetic signals at all frequencies from nanoHertz through ExaHertz. Most of the transitions are dipole interactions and multipole, not simple waves. More flows and diffusion of the potential, and then the gradient of the potential makes detectable acceleration. The timing, frequency and alignment are very very specific, so it has huge power and tiny interaction probability.  In a fluid model it is nearly zero viscosity. At high power, many stable states are possible, including particle-antiparticle pairs.  That should be tested in the next few years with the vacuum laser expreiments and the fusion groups.  The gravitation energy density is roughly equivalent to the conditions inside fusion experiments, so I ask those groups to record noise and fluctuations over time. Some of those are likely externally triggered. And some will match the sun moon tidal and solar mass ejection events.

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

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ofcoursebutmaybe wrote 01/12/2024 at 01:46 point

Unfortunate to see the project is not active?

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