This project is meant to works on a wifi network with a RPI as server and ESP32 as modules. The RPI can create its own local network or work like a bridge or switch if needed.
The setup only needs you to put the server, the modules and the app on the same wifi network, and every component can find each other on the network.
You need to add another module ? Just connect it to the wifi and it will appear in your app immediatly.
You can control every LED strip individually or group them as rooms.
Features :
- RGB and RGBW support
- As many modules as you want
- Up to 300leds pro ESP32
- Single color per LED Strip
- Auto-Pairing of the APP and modules to the server
- Device and Device Groups management (color + switch)
- Views synchronization between groups
- Real time connection status
Next :
- Animation : Lighting patterns
- Web app support
- Led Matrix support
- Animation Streaming
- Nice app design
- Alexa support
- OTA udpates