Decided to put and old Rasperry pi I wanted to use as a low power home server in a vintage Data switch that wasn't working that well anymore.
I also had an Adafruit Powerboost 1000C lying around so I decided to use it to make my little server portable if needs be.
the power is passing trough the original switch on the front, so switching it to 'A' will turn it on, and switching it to 'B' will turn it off.
The composite port is usable on the back trough an old I/O port hole if a display is needed but I usually just ssh in it.
Hardware used:
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- Old DS HD155-2 Data switch
- Adafruit Powerboost 1000C
- 500mah battery
- small USB wifi dongle (not pictured) surprisingly it's working well enough in a metal case
Crazy how those old switch boxes were all hand-wired, right? I like the way this came out - too bad I got rid of all my old switch boxes, would be a nice way to mount my Pi Hole.
We have that exact one in the cover pic wired with the order displays in the back of McDonald's