
Freeduino HS

Yet another Arduino clone with through-hole components

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This project was started two years ago in Novosibirsk State University Hackspace when we prepared soldering lessons.

So, we try to design hackable board you can assemble using one soldering iron. We use through-hole components wherever it is appropriate so board is easy to assemble and to modify. In comparison with Freeduino TH, our board has USB-UART converter and it is compatible with Arduino UNO.

USB-UART chip we use is CH340G (as in Chinese boards) because of it is easy to solder (in comparison with FT232) and cheaper for sure.

Free space we use as 7x11 holes prototype board. This way you can do small experiments even without breadboard.

Design files available on GitHub

  • 1
    Step 1

    Assembling process:

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Gerben wrote 03/31/2019 at 19:10 point

Looks like an excellent project for soldering practice. It's also very colorful.

I like that single sot23, just hanging in there for dear life q-;

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Eugene Mikhantiev wrote 04/01/2019 at 04:19 point

It is not easy to find MOSFET in TO-92 package with suitable characteristics  :( Also we add additional holes to replace SOT23 if needed.

The most difficult to solder is Mini-USB connector. For soldering practice lessons we will pre-solder it. And plan to replace it with through-hole variant in future revisions.

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