As this competition nears its end, we just wanted to take a quick second to thank everyone who has supported this project. When we first started Smallkat it was really just a challenge to see if it was possible to make a super small and adorable quadruped. We really did not expect it to become as big as it has. Smallkat has been a staple for robotics demonstrations at WPI for over a year now bringing smiles and wonderment to both kids and adults. We have encouraged and inspired students to learn more about quadrupeds and robotics in general and take on challenges they might not have thought possible. Smallkat has been a past time, a senior project and a passion of ours for the last two years and we are excited to share this adorable robot with the world and hopefully inspire more people to build, create and get excited about engineering. Thank you to everyone who has shown interest and support, built their own Smalkat, asked questions and most of all, for letting us share our project with you.

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