If you want move in 2D ( X-Y ) check my stepper motor compatible flexible 2.5d actuator
Hackaday article about this project circular-linear-motor-becomes-a-micro-motor-raceway
Hackster article about this project ant-highway-is-like-an-exposed-stepper-motor-for-micro-cars
Article in Russian language https://habr.com/en/post/451180/
I am not using IDL motors patent, I have different coils !
Thanks PCBway for support with board manufacturing ! https://www.pcbway.com/
I love your project and wanted to print a card using your files. However, I have a problem. When I try to make the Gerber files, my program (EasyEDA) tells me "This PCB has uncompleted connection(s), do you want to check the connection(s)?"
Can you tell me if I can skip this step?
I have no experience, if I print this card, it will be the first time. Thank you in advance for your help.