
Automated IoT compost

Amalgamate is an automated composting system that helps users build a compost, download the code, and connect to a user interface

Similar projects worth following I built this for a final project after a 6 month development bootcamp. It measures soil moisture/temperature, allows for turning and watering, and has an web interface that users can connect to. The intended user is a DIY typer person who wants to build a compost/connect to a raspberry pi and then get the code from github and connect their compost the the interface. All instructions can be found on the webpage.

Making Your Own Composter

Make your own composter, add my code from github, and register for this app


Ordering parts

  1. To start this project it is best if you think about breaking up the composter into pieces. To begin with I will walk you through ordering and setting up the appropriate devices. Again, no need to worry about code because if you order the correct parts you can use my exact code
  2. Order soil moisture sensor sht10 it is part of the sht1x series and although it is a little more expense then other soil moisture sensors it offered a water proof cover and tracks temperature and humidity.
  3. Order a relay. I used an 8 prong relay because we need multiple sections of this relay and it is cheaper then buying multiple relays. There are a few additional features that may be added some day that would also use the relay. To set up the relay you can watch this You Tube video The video is good for setup but the code is not what we need so when he gets to the code you can stop the video or try it out for practice and understanding but know that we won't be using that code.
  4. 12v drill that you can ruin. The specifics of the drill are less important as long as it is 12v and you know you are going to take it apart. I bought the cheapest 12v drill they offered at Harbor Freight. I bought a cordless, took off the battery, and hooked the wires directly to my wiring system
  5. A compost bin can be made or bought but if you want to set it up how I set it up (which I recommend so wires do not get tangled) then you will need to have a bin that rotates around a secure center post. this is the composter I used.
  6. Raspberry Pi. I used a model B but you can use any. If you use the one I used then you also need a wireless dongle. If you do not use the one I used you may need to look up pin configuration because some Raspberry Pi's are built with extra pins and the numbering may be different.
  7. 12volt water valve to use for the watering system
  8. 12v to 5v step down converter

Making Circuits

    Prior to starting I am not going to walk through setting up the Raspberry Pi so if you are new to Raspberry Pi I suggest you look at the documentation on the Raspberry Pi site or
  1. Set the relay up as demonstrated in this video This connects the relay to the raspberry pi. The ground pin recommended for the relay is already used for the sensor so you can choose to (pin 6), however pin 9 is also a ground pin so you can either plug the relay into ground pin 9 or connect both pins to an external circuit board that is hooked to the pin.
  2. Congratulations if you made it here your circuit is totally set up and ready to go! Now would be a good time to get the code off git hub onto your raspberry pi. Depending on how much you have used or set up your raspberry pi you may need to set up git in order to clone the repository

    At this point you should be able to run your relay by either logging into your raspberry pi or sshing into your pi and typing the following in the command line


    this code will open one relay, pause, open a second relay, pause, and then turn them both off. You will hear loud clicks and this is just the switches in the relay being flipped. You should also be able to run


    this will start a server on port 5000. If these are not working see the trouble shooting section at the bottom of this page. Otherwise if everything is working we will start putting things together.

Building the Compost

    The relay is working but how do we make...
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  • Moving Forward

    Jamie10/26/2016 at 19:46 0 comments

    I am in the process of connecting with a second person who is a bit more proficient at development. We are going to fine tune and add a few more features like adding a weight sensor to the project. This will help control amount of compost for zoning laws as well as calculating waste diversion. I hope then this can be used as a model for waste diversion in small batches or in community composting hubs.

  • to updatae soon

    Jamie10/20/2016 at 20:45 1 comment

    Currently this project is built and I used ngrok to connect to IoT without using port forwarding. I am working on figuring how much weight the composter can hold and still turn automatically and will update others one I know. I also want to add a weight sensor

View all 2 project logs

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adtwomey wrote 04/08/2018 at 13:49 point

I say you did a good job better for the earth. I have a project at I like to make like your. I going to use a SS drum old solar water tank.  I will have questions about how you went in the years. are you up to share a better way to talk about your experience I in Australia. it will be good to know more. Maybe you can help me with making add-on on to your code. Oh is it ok to use some of your code for my project. Oh your website is down too.

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Jamie wrote 01/10/2019 at 03:40 point

Yes sorry I stopped paying for the website to be hosted because I hosted it on amazon but they changed the price so I  took that down. Do you have specific questions? I am happy to help- although I have, admittedly, changed a few things over the years. I am not on this site a lot but am glad you liked it and would not mind at all discussing more 

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 05/29/2017 at 23:38 point

I just found this from a HaD tweet.  Congratulations, it looks so good.  How has it been working for you?  I have a similar project in my page but I'm officially held up until I get a welder.  I have so many more questions for you though, are you up to share your experience so far?

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Jamie wrote 03/20/2018 at 01:44 point

Hey- wow sorry for the delay I have not been on this page in a while. Yea mine is still up and strong but have run into a few things along the way- maybe  I will make a point of updating this page. I will check out your work too. Feel free to ask questions I made this just for fun so am completely open to whatever people want to do with these ideas

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Jamie wrote 10/26/2016 at 13:16 point

A few people have asked me what the bucket on the top is for so  I guess I forgot to talk about that in my instructions. The 5 gallon bucket on the top is for water. I didn't feel like adding a water pump so that holds water and when the relay opens the water valve water just flows out and into the compost. Sorry for any confusion and I hope that clarifies things. 

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