Finished main board design - it's 13.7 x 6.6 inches:

For the board I used the same Circuits.CC (my online tool for making simple schematics and PCB):

To make board image more readable I rotated it, moved to grayscale and inverted:

and even printed in scale (160 dpi) to see if components are fitting well ;)

Now I need to write C-program to convert my tiled pseudo-ASCII design to Gerbers for production ;)
P.S. Just noticed a few things to fix - probably 1st of all I need to write C-program that is looking for errors like interrupted wires. incomplete pads etc...
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Wow, I didn't even know PCBs can or were designed that way, with the ASCII. That's really cool. Nice board too, by the way!
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Thanks :)
Actually it's slightly extended ASCII ;)
1st 30 characters were specifically changed to help construct PCB-like images
And last 14 characters are helping with schematics :)
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That makes sense. Seems similar to the Propeller chip's ROM font. Just a random and absurd thought, but perhaps could be ported to a microcontroller like the propeller. XD Sorry, just had to throw that out there. :P
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Yes, it could :)
Significant portion of Circuits.CC is written in Robby programming language ( also mine ; )
And Robby has cross-compiler for Intel 8080, z80 targeting ZX-Spectrum and a few Russian retro-computers and it's relatively easy to add more target platforms / processors - see #nedoPC SDK
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