
Rosalind the 3D printer

Rosalind the 3D printer, aka the queen, is a fully parametric coreXY RepRap 3D printer

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Rosalind the 3D printer, aka the queen, is a fully parametric coreXY RepRap 3D printer.

Building Rosalind

Back in 2015 I wanted a CoreXY 3D printer. However none of the designs available back then didn't tick all of the following boxes:

☐ CoreXY (yeah I said that, I know)

☐ Parametric (I had some constraints in the parts I wanted to use so I needed to be able to modify it easily)

☐ Open Source (No non-commercial stuff)

☐ Designed using Open Source. (I don't want to have to use proprietary software to improve/modify it)

☐ Printable (I wanted to buy vitamins off the internet and print the parts and not have to get other custom parts like lasercut wood)

Since there was no such printer (now there is another one) I decided to create one from scratch.

I also wanted it to house it under the reprap project so Rosalind was born.


The build guide (still WIP) lives on the reprap wiki and if you prefer a video tutorial you can check out our youtube channel where we build it in an ongoing episode series.


A cylindrical spool holder that mounts on the aluminium frame

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PRUSA iteration4 lcd supports GNU GPL v3 Josef Průša <> and contributors

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PRUSA iteration4 LCD cover GNU GPL v3 Josef Průša <> and contributors

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Plastic feet for the printer to stand on. Required unless you use countersunk bolts to fasten electronics on the base.

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A very awesome faceplate that proudly displays "Rosalind". The most important part of the printer :-P Export to amf to preserve the dual colors or set your slicer to print in a different color everything above 2mm (or just color it yourself :-P)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 469.33 kB - 04/12/2019 at 12:42


View all 16 files

  • 2 × smooth rods Φ8, length: 380mm
  • 2 × smooth rods Φ8, length: 352mm
  • 1 × 8mm leadscrew nut.
  • 4 × bulldog clips thick enough to clamp 15mm.
  • 1 × thermistor compatible with Marlin electronics

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View all 10 project logs

  • 1
    Visit our wiki over at the RepRap project for step by step instructions

    Instructions are a work in progress but we're working on them dilligently.

    Visit the Rosalind reprap wiki page to create your own Rosalind!

  • 2
    or just watch our video build log!

    Our YouTube Channel is the place to go if you prefer video instructions.

    We hope it's entairtaining enough even if you don't want to build your own Rosalind but just want to know more about 3D printers. We did our best.

View all instructions

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