Hey, what's up, guys? Akarsh here from CETech.
In this article today we are going to learn about the RFM LoRa modules made by HopeRF.
We will be seeing what are the features that the RFM module has to offer, its pinout, comparison between the different RFM modules available in the market like RFM95 96 97 and RFM98.
We will also compare the RFM98 with other famous LoRa module available in the market like the Ra-02 made by Ai-Thinker or the RYLR896 by Reyax.
The RFM module is very popular due to the cheap price and availability in different frequency bands, unlike the Ra-02. Due to this, you will find the RFM module in various LoRa based products like nodes or even gateways.
I've made a tutorial video on this, I recommend you check it out.